Today's Point to Ponder:
Train for Life, Not for Now!
So those of you who know me well (which are the five people that read this anyways) already know that this is my mantra. It keeps me focused on not getting obsessive about training, on making "healthy" a lifestyle and not a diet or a "boot camp" and on not pushing through injuries no matter how much my obsessive personality wants to! That said, I'm temporarily sidelined from running. I re-injured my IT band (causes excruciating pain on the side of the knee when I run and go up and down stairs) on my first easy run of 2009. But I recognized it right away, stopped, told myself to "train for life, not for now" and walked home. That's not to say I'm not discouraged, sad, frustrated and all of those things, but this is for LIFE. And sometimes in life we have to slow down, redirect, do something we don't want to do in order to do the things we REALLY want to do! God often speaks loudest to me when I'm forced to a place that I don't want to be ... because He wanted me here. There's something I need to learn ... for LIFE, not for now!
You are always an inspiration! I had a similar thing happen after I started transitioning from walk to run. I had cramps on Friday BEFORE I EVEN STARTED RUNNING! Who gets cramps while walking??!! Anyway, I said what my dear friend Sara Jo taught for life, not just for now... praise God! I had a beautiful walk and enjoyed the amazing creation we have been blessed with and set my next goal...I will run 2 miles a day! Freedom has produced so much more growth in my life than pressure EVER did!